
Starbucks card

Do you know Starbucks card??
Here is the card.

You can charge money  in it from 1000yen to 30000yen.
It's something like a prepaid type electronic money.

There are many kinds of cards.
I want to show you two cards I already have.

This is a Kyoto version.
Maikosan, who is a famous woman in Kyoto, is emblazoned with it.
I really like it.

Another one is this.

I got it when I was in Okinawa.
As you know, Shi-Sha- ,which is like an animal, is a symbol of Okinawa.
Shi-Sha- is  emblazoned with it.
It's so cute, isn't it??

Here is GOOD NEWS for you!!!!!
When you charge 5000yen in the card, you get a one drink free ticket.
You can enjoy any drink you want.

You can get the card for free, just charge money!!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. I bought one of these cards for my friend when we were traveling in the USA ealrier this year. But I don't think that we got a free drink. :((
