
Concept Starbucks

Today let me introduce about concept Starbucks.

It is a kind of different type of Starbucks.
Kobekitanoijinkan store is one of them.

It was built in 1907.
It looks like Starbucks house.

I went to there last year, and I really liked it.
It was a completely house, so I felt like chill out at home on my day off.

There are many couches in the Starbucks.
You can enjoy your time reading books, talking with friends and thinking something.

I really want to visit again.
If you have any chance to visit Kobe, why don't you spend break time at this Starbucks??



Today I'm going to introduce about the book.

The other day, I went to Granfront in Umeda and there I found one book whose color is almost black.

It was outstanding.
I bought it.

The name of the book is "BRAND".
It is written by Iwata Matsuo a former CEO of Starbucks Japan.

I'm reading it now.

He gives me a lot of hints through this book to become a person who is like Starbucks.
It means the person will be loved by everyone.

After I have read it, I will probably see myself as one bland.

If you are interested in this book, you should go to a book store.