

Today I'm going to introduce about the book.

The other day, I went to Granfront in Umeda and there I found one book whose color is almost black.

It was outstanding.
I bought it.

The name of the book is "BRAND".
It is written by Iwata Matsuo a former CEO of Starbucks Japan.

I'm reading it now.

He gives me a lot of hints through this book to become a person who is like Starbucks.
It means the person will be loved by everyone.

After I have read it, I will probably see myself as one bland.

If you are interested in this book, you should go to a book store.

3 件のコメント:

  1. In winter & spring vacations, I will read some books.
    Now, I'm looking for some interesting books.

    This book sounds like interesting!
    I gotta read it :)

  2. The concept of "branding" is an important one in marketing. Companies want the public to think of them as special or even unique.
